At the Third International ISAAC Congress, August 20-25, 2001, in Berlin, 10 ISAAC Awards were presented to
The prices were equipped as well with DM 800 each, sponsored by DaimlerChrysler, Motorala, Siemens and the Berliner Mathematical Society, as with several books through donations by Birkhäuser Verlag, Elsevier, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Springer Verlag, and World Scientific. Two awardees not participating in the congress only got the certificates.
The award committee consisted of H. Begehr, E. Brüning, Ju. Dubinskii, M. Essén, R. P. Gilbert, J. Kajiwara, I. Laine, I. Netuka, D. A. Tarzia, M. W. Wong, C. C. Yang.